Queensland Water Consultancy specialises in providing expert advice and services to water, agriculture and mining industries.
About Queensland Water Consultancy
At Queensland Water Consultancy (QWC) we are water experts, here to help you buy, sell, value and understand water in Queensland. We are a collection of people and strategic partners who provide unequalled professional services to industries. Our advisors have a breadth of experience and knowledge of best practice related to groundwater and surface water and how these are interconnected. QWC provides a broad range of services specialising in water assets, agricultural water for irrigation, mining and industrial uses. We can provide you with water consultancy, water conveyancing, access advice, and water and property valuation services.
We work in an advisory and brokerage role with our clients to deliver advice that generates significant revenue and increased capital positions. We work with companies to negotiate land access rights for water infrastructure and developing solutions for commercial operators to acquire the most from their water rights. Understanding your water rights enables improved decisions for your business. We have significant experience working and negotiating with the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW), Sunwater, Seqwater and providing strategic advice relating to water assets.
Please see our Services page for more information.
What Are Water Rights?
Key points:
Water rights give landowners access to bodies of water adjacent to one's property.
Riparian rights are a type of water rights that give landowners access and usage of flowing bodies of water like rivers and streams.
Littoral rights are a type of water rights that guarantee access to the lakes, seas, and oceans.
Water rights are regulated state-by-state and each municipality can enforce stricter provisions on water access and usage.
There are three main types of water rights - water allocations, water permits and water licences.
The water rights advisory process may include negotiating with the likes of the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water, Sunwater, or Seqwater to provide strategic advice relating to these assets.