Resources and relevant documents to make it easier for our clients and the industry

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Resources for our clients and the community

Queensland Water Trading Districts and Water Plans makes up the majority of these resources together with the necessary compliances forms required to transact. These resources have been supplied for ease of access for our clients.

If you require more information, please call and we can walk you through the process.

Follow this link to see the current live Australia Weather Map.

Water Trading Districts

Requests to move water allocations to a different location must be pre-approved by DRNME. The current locations are:

Barron • Border Rivers • Burnett Basin • Burdekin Basin • Cape York Water Management Protocol • Condamine and Balonne • Fitzroy Basin • Logan Basin • Mary Basin • Moreton • Pioneer Valley • Whitsunday Basin • Wet Tropics

For more information on trading rules, water sharing rules and seasonal water assignment rules: