We are proud to provide our clients with a broad range of connected consulting services

Expert Water Consulting
Our consultants work together to deliver water, investment, drilling, project solutions and more.
Evaporation reduction
While the quantity of water that is getting into dams, reservoirs and rivers is decreasing, the evaporation losses from those storages are increasing and the water demand of irrigated plants is also increasing. The resulting effect is that water is becoming steadily harder to get and more precious. Evaporation is the water vaporisation that occurs at the surface. For water molecules to evaporate, they must be located near the surface, be moving in the proper direction, and have sufficient kinetic energy to overcome liquid-phase intermolecular forces. When only a small amount of the water molecules meet this criteria, the rate of evaporation will be lower. A few notable ways to reduce water evaporation is to keep free water surface area to a minimum, spread surface films and provide mulch on the land surfaces. Our team of experts can provide you with strategies to reduce water evaporation at your water source.
Floodplain harvesting
Floodplain harvesting is the capture and use of water flowing across a floodplain. This is an important source of water in the industry. Floodplain harvesting is the last substantial capture of water to be licensed in the Basin. Bringing floodplain harvesting into the licensing system will improve accounting and compliance of water use. Speak with us today to discuss floodplain harvesting to meet your water needs.
Investment funds
With our deep and broad knowledge across the water and other resource industries, combined with legal, tax and business qualifications we are able to guide our clients with investment funds. Contact us to discuss a broad range of investment options and advice.
Ground Water Drilling
Our trusted partner, Southern Downs Drilling (SDD) are water bore drilling specialists with over 20 years technical experience. SDD deliver prompt, professional and quality drilling services to farmers and small acreage owners within South East Queensland. Do you need a new bore on your farm or small acreage block? Contact us today or request a FREE quote from Southern Downs Drilling, the specialists in domestic and stock bores. Travis and his team understand that you may not have experience with water bores, and will explain the process, requirements and costs. Southern Downs Drilling is a family owned and operated water bore drilling business providing clear and fresh water to the Darling Downs, Lockyer Valley, South Burnett, Southern and Western Downs.
Advisory Services, Project Management, tender writing, and more
QWC has exceptionally experienced associates and partners. With these relationships we are able to provide extended services to provide a complete service to our clients. This includes managing the end-to-end deliver of projects, organisational change management, asset management, market and business analysis, risk assessment & management, tender writing and more.