Water Licences are complex and need to be understood correctly

Water Licenses

In Queensland you may need a water licence for taking or interfering with surface water, overland flow water or underground water.

Surface water

Under the Water Act 2000 (PDF, 2.7MB), you will need a water licence for taking or interfering with water in a watercourse, lake or spring for purposes such as:

  • stock or domestic use on lands that do not adjoin a watercourse, lake or spring

  • irrigation

  • industrial or commercial use

  • storing water behind a weir

  • impounding water behind a storage structure

  • storing water in excavations that are within or connected to a watercourse.

Overland flow water

In some areas of Queensland, you may need a water licence to take or interfere with overland flow water. These areas are identified in moratorium notices and water plans.

Underground water

Generally, you will need a water licence to take underground water in groundwater areas established through the Water Regulation 2016 (PDF, 2MB) or a water plan. This includes groundwater management areas and sub-artesian management areas.


Failure to ensure you have the required licence may result in prosecution under the Water Act 2000 (Qld) for the following offences:

  • unauthorised taking or supplying of water

  • unauthorised interfering with water

  • contravening a condition of a water licence

  • tampering with a device used under the Act to measure the volume of water taken, or the rate and time of taking water.