Contact our experts to discuss your Water Rights

Water Rights
Water rights pertain to the legal rights of property owners too access and use bodies of water adjacent to lands they hold. Different types of waters rights exist based on various forms of water that border or exist on a property.
Key points:
Water rights give landowners access to bodies of water adjacent to one's property commonly in Queensland they are called Water Allocations.
Riparian rights are a type of water rights that give landowners access and usage of flowing bodies of waters like rivers and streams.
Littoral rights are a type of water rights that guarantee access to the lakes, seas, and oceans.
Water rights are regulated state-by-state and each municipality can enforce stricter provisions on water access and usage.
A water rights is a permission…
If you owned property on a body of water, you had the right to use as much of it as you pleased, and you could also decide who else could come onto your property and help themselves.
The water rights advisory process we undertake may include negotiating with the Department of Resources, or the government owned corporation Sunwater or SEQ Water and providing strategic advice relating to your water rights and assets.